Neha Bairoliya

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Dr. Bairoliya is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance and Business Economics at the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. Bairoliya received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Minnesota in 2015.  Her research interests lie in analyzing demographic transitions and understanding the macroeconomic and welfare effects of public policy programs globally. Dr. Bairoliya is particularly interested in examining healthcare and pension programs and understanding their role in mitigating health and socio-economic inequalities. Her research combines rigorous economic theory, the knowledge of public and social institutions, rich micro data and large-scale simulations to answer important questions at the intersection of public policy, population health and aging.





CWE-GAM Working Group: Rethinking Macroeconomics

CWE-GAM Working Paper Contributions:

Parental Caregiving and Household Power Dynamics – Ray Miller & Neha Bairoliya

CWE-GAM Blog Contributions:

Reflections on Parental Caregiving and Household Power Dynamics