Events Calendar

Latest Past Events

43rd IATUR Conference

Barcelona, Spain

Connecting Time Use Research with Public Policies, Organizations and Society This year's conference theme is: Connecting Time Use Research with Public Policies, Organizations and Society. Time-use research has the potential to inform key time use policies such as education schedules, mobility, equality policies, amongst many others. The 2021 IATUR conference wants to explore the connection between research, policy-making

Intensive Virtual Course in Gender-Sensitive Macroeconomic Modeling

The Care Work and the Economy project at American University, in partnership with the Levy Economics Institute will hold a virtual 15-day training course June 28 - July 17, 2021.  Exact times TBD. This course is designed for government officials, statisticians, and researchers from developing countries to enhance their skills in estimating care economies and developing gender-sensitive macroeconomic

IAFFE 2021 Sustaining Life: Challenges of Multidimensional Crises

Sustaining life requires inclusive and resilient economic and political systems and the sustainability of our environment.  Feminist economics continues to offer a vital set of intellectual perspectives and methodologies with which to analyze these issues. Our economic and political systems are failing to address human needs and ecological fragility, particularly with the growing rise of