Ki-Soo Eun is Professor of Sociology and Demography, and the Director at the Center for Transnational Migration and Social Inclusion (CTMS) at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Seoul National University. He received a PhD in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. His research interests include: low fertility and aging, family history, family values, transnational migration, care and care work, time use study and quantitative method. Prof. Eun has led the Comparative Asian Family Survey (CAFS) project together with Prof. Emiko Ochiai of Kyoto University in Japan, which conducted family surveys in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, India, Qatar and Turkey. Since 2017, he has been engaged in an international project on care economy (CWE-GAM project), representing the Korean team. He is in charge of KOICA Gender and Development Program at GSIS as the Program Manager. Prof. Eun is also an expert on time use research with publications and articles on work-life balance, time poverty, study time, and sleep. He leads comparative studies on time use across countries. Prof. Eun currently serves as Vice President of International Association for Time Use Research and a founder and current President of the Korean Association for Time Studies. He is President of the Population Association of Korea and the Korean Social History Association, as well as Vice President of the Korean Family Studies Association. At Seoul National University. He also serves as Vice Director at the KyujanggakInstitute for Korean Studies. Prof. Eun is a member of the Presidential Committee on Aging Society and Population Policy (PCASPP) in Korea.
CWE-GAM Working Group: Understanding and Measuring Care
CWE-GAM Working Paper Contributions: Care Arrangement and Activities in South Korea: An Analysis of the 2018 Care Work Family Survey on Childcare and Eldercare
CWE-GAM Methodology Report Contributions:
“The Qualitative Methodology and Survey Instruments: South Korea Field Work”– Hyuna Moon, Seung-Eun Cha, Ki-Soo Eun, Eunhye Kang & Ito Peng
CWE-GAM Blog Contributions:
Care Arrangement and Caregiving Activities in South Korea: An Analysis of 2018 Care Work Family Surveys on Childcare and Eldercare, Measuring the Overall Strain of Caregiving: A Multidimensional Approach